NBC: "Turning 30 seconds worth of comedy into 4 minutes since 1926" (Seinfeld not included)
NBC: "Turning 30 seconds worth of comedy into 4 minutes since 1926" (Seinfeld not included)
My girlfriend used the same trick to sneak into my house permanently.
Saw this on a friend's Facebook feed:
The real excitement is in having KJ and Hondo back under the same roof.
Well, it's a more subtle trap than last week's poll:
Nah, Colts had the momentum, no need to make such a hot fuss out of that injury.
McDonald's would have sold more, but every time Flacco went in to get a six piece, he stalled out and settled for three.
I would just like to point out that Jerry Rice's TD pass was a fucking 50 yard missile he threw flat footed.
"A little thing that can turn into anything at anytime."
If 3 championships in 4 years isn't enough to keep you from being an asshole, the hole inside you is probably too big for college football to fill.
Mike Tomlin would have stopped this.
Story time: My little brother played 4th-5th grade rec basketball on the same team as Blake. I always got a kick out of seeing the look of absolute horror on some poor kid's face when they would occasionally foul Blake hard enough to cause one of his legs to pop off. (Knee high socks and long shorts hid his prosthesis…
No, just a couple guitars.