
Good drivers are hard to pick out of traffic because they don't do anything to set themselves apart. Unless you live in a place where your daily commute is more like a demolition derby the best drivers simply go about their business not being asshats.


Vegas odds on which is more likely: 50-50

Nope, still don't get it. Guess I'll have to wait for the movie to come out.

Solution: pass a law that forbids the production or sale of automatic transmissions.

My wife use to do this when we would take road trips and it drove me nuts. It took a very vivid description of exactly what would happen to her in a collision to get her to stop.

Samsung Galaxy Nexus on Verizon is not vulnerable. I'm running a 4.1 ROM called Jelly Belly.

But first Hamilton will vent on Twitter about it.

Seconded. Welcome to the future, ladies and gentlemen.

I was thinking the same thing.

Oh, Lifehacker, it's like you read my diary.

I saw this yesterday and gave up on it once I realized I didn't know the plots well enough to decipher the color-coding on the lines. Anyone care to explain this to me?

The finance major in me is intrigued but the alcoholic in me is perturbed.

My brain just exploded.

Now, this is a story all about how

"On what exactly are you basing these assumptions?" Asks a 27-year-old lover of rap and hip-hop who drives a '04 VW.


Right now (based on how long I've been with my employer) I get 18 PTO days. Up to five of those can be "banked" at the end of the year if they aren't used and the bank can hold up to 30 days. That bank is only used in an extreme case (serious illness or accident, death in your immediate family, etc.) and only after

When it comes to this topic I feel for you, it seems like our society is leaning more towards chronic hypochondria every day. Freedom of information is definitely a double-edged sword where medicine is concerned. Add the ever-aggressive marketing from pharmaceutical companies and there are a lot more folks out there

I take it you're actually a M.D. or D.O.?