Seattle for the win. Nordstrom, Costco, Starbucks, Boeing, Amazon, Microsoft, Expedia, these are the big ass companies that are/need to tell cheeto boy to shut the fuck up.
Seattle for the win. Nordstrom, Costco, Starbucks, Boeing, Amazon, Microsoft, Expedia, these are the big ass companies that are/need to tell cheeto boy to shut the fuck up.
My bestie is adopted. There are blessings to it, but also really big challenges. It’s hard being an adopted kid, even when your home life is absolutely ideal (and where/when has that ever happened in the history of time?). Other close friends are trying to adopt right now, so I’m watching the whole thing play out from…
It was. Technically you didn’t have to go but what 14 year old is going to miss their field trip? I asked my mom why she let me go and her response was “I was a single parent working 3 jobs so I didn’t have time to think about it” Fair.
Once in a PP I stood behind a poor young man whose roommate’s ex girlfriend had purportedly slathered random objects in their shared apartment with gonorhea infected vaginal secretions. Apparently it was a bad break up. This poor dude had no insurance.
Sigh...of course it was Chick-Fil-A.
They did this at my cousin’s (non-religious, public) school. Easter that year involved a lengthy recap of his adventure, followed by my immediate removal of myself from the event before I completely lost my mind.
While as far as I’m concerned the sooner these shits die of tertiary syphilis the better, I don’t want their sexual partners similarly infected, so GO TO PP, DOUCHEBAGS.
I find it especially funny as my first trip to PP was to support my ex-bf when he needed to go in for HIV testing. Planned Parenthood: It’s for the menz, too! (Not that these jackasses would ever both to find that out.)
Yeah—that’s how I read it.
The funny thing is, she wasn’t being rude or snarky at all. She was just politely and matter-of-factly informing us that our information, as far as she knew, was irrelevant to her.
Ok but back to the important part - how many abortions did you sell her?
Right? I’ve been tested at a Planned Parenthood! Planned Parenthood helped me, a puny little man with weak manparts who is surely a liberal cuck! I’m sure these big strong men who just want to defend innocent little babies from the predation of circling abortion harpies could use some free STD testing from time to…
“Thanks, but I don’t need any abortions.”
Omg that does sound horrible. I take it this was a religious school?
I used to volunteer a lot for Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles, and much of that was “community outreach” — going to communities that had a clinic and passing out information about the services it offered. The very first time I did one of those, I had what remains the most rewarding and simultaneously most…
None of them know that Planned Parenthood can help them even though they have penises, because they can use them to pee in a little cup and have some tests run to see if they have any ghastly sexually transmitted diseases or infections . . . you know, should something like that happen to be a cause for concern?
These kids suck but what really freaks me out is the little kids.
Does the US not have single-gender schools? I’m from NZ and honestly we’re probably pretty evenly split between single-gender and co-ed schools. I went to an all-girls’ high school and it was great. I take it for granted because going to an all-girls or all-boys school is totally normal here but if I think about it, I…
Very true, although, idea: having all male high schools and all female public high schools might give students the benefits of single-sex education withouth the old-boy network problems..