
I didn’t know that. Thanks. I will use that next time this ever comes up.

This. I can’t bring myself to watch that show. I have a visceral reaction.

If we don’t stop them, these idiots and their leader Drumpf are going to eventually force us into some international situation where we have a new Truth and Reconciliation commission for our whole country. They do what they do at everyone’s expense and they need to be stopped.

Point taken, and maybe that’s how they rationalize it, but there are plenty of other symbols of rebellion than the stars and bars that they could choose from if it were only about rebellion. I don’t see these types wearing Che Guevara berets or wearing Malcom X or Martin Luther King Jr.’s likeness on their T-shirts.

Yes. This. I have an ancestor who was a bugler in the Civil War for his West Virginia town’s regiment. Those folks proudly and bravely separated their asses from Virginia and paid for it dearly in blood. What the fuck.


Saskatchewan and Alberta are kind of the “red states” of Canada, correct? Where does rural Quebec fit into that equation? Just always have been curious.

What the fuck is wrong with people.

From what I know of a relative who is like this, I think you’re totally in the wheelhouse of what this stems from. I think that these people feel left behind economically (and probably rightly so). I think that they resent that the only people seem to them to get ahead are people who are smarter than them or have more

Wow, that’s rich.

Oh dear god in heaven yes to this.

<i>“My town actually gave a beautification award to a biker shop that had a huge one hanging in a window.” </i>

Penis list: Tie clip. Not this year, but I saw that somewhere once in a comment thread. I guess it was an extra long tie.

I don’t actually know (I don’t get the History Channel). I was speaking generally, re the cliche about the History Channel. If they don’t do that anymore then yay for them, even if they’re doing aliens and pawn stars at least that’s better than 24/7 Hitler.

Yes. As long as the documentary shows them in a bad light then by all means, A&E, show it.

Exactly. Just like so many lefty males think that sexism is so far from them when really, with a lot of them, it shows up in microaggressions in almost every conversation.

I love that. I honestly think it’s great for people to troll them (as long as it doesn’t endanger you). I commented elsewhere in this post that I would love to see someone drive around in one of those pickups but with a great big rainbow flag in the back. The more we can co-opt their symbols and mess with them the

I see them here in California. The first time I saw it was a year ago on the Fourth of July. I don’t see a lot of them, but maybe a few times a month. Always young white guys in pickups with big wheels and the chassis jacked up (don’t know my truck terminology, sorry) and a big confederate flag flying from the truck


OMG that’s it! Never thought of it that way before.