
You don’t kill multiple people out of self defense.  The argument that you thought one guy was going to kill you don’t somehow give you the right to spray bullets into a crowd.

It’s fucking sick and twisted how millions of depraved motherfuckers are rallying behind his little lawless Nazi piece of shit. He obtained two guns, lawlessly: It is illegal for persons under the age of 18 to possess a handgun in his home state of Illinois (which he also had in addition to his “AR-like” long gun) and

Its fucking infuriating. I really hope this piece of shit gets life in prison or something close to it, because if he gets away with this how many other scumbags will feel empowered to do the same? Especially if you get to be hero boy on Fox News and have other people pay your bills as long as you shoot the “right”

And to add to that, the motherfucker who bought the gun for him didn’t want to give it to him when he asked for it, but was too much of a fucking pussy because he didn’t want Rittenhouse to “throw a bitch fit.”

This asshole illegally acquired a gun and crossed state lines with the intention of shooting people and has the gall to claim he committed multiple murders in self-defense. The only sad part is that he didn’t have the common sense God gave the average cockroach to stay home instead.

To Ricky Schroder and Kyle Rittenhouse:

this is why Chuck and Nancy and Bernie and the Clintons et al. need to be retired; their 20th century diplomacy and idealism are just not suited for this point in the country’s history. The GOP has shown an absolute willingness to assert its power whenever possible, to obstruct any legislation unless they get their


I think there was a point when it seemed important to show he was lying, because it was so obvious and brazen. But then it became clear that a lot of people didn't understand they were clearly lies, fact checks be damned 

It took them so long because now they don’t need him and they’re getting off the sinking ship. Sad they wouldn’t stand up to him all these years, but here we are.

I think most people who have pointed out right-wing fascist tendencies growing since the Bush years can now feel thoroughly vindicated in saying “I told you so”.

All the “you’re being alarmist, what will you do when a REAL fascist shows up?” people – the whole half-of-an-electorate of them –have proven conclusively

Yeah, the Republicans gloves are already off (and have been for a while). If Democrats aren’t willing to do the same, we’re screwed. Democrats are busy taking the high road while Republicans are hauling ass on a shortcut through the woods.

It wasn’t that there wasn’t much they could do. There was absolutely, positively, completely NOTHING they could have done to stop this.

BuT i Am VoTiNg CoNsCiEnCe!!

If every vote really counted, we wouldn’t have an executive branch and a judiciary built by and for conservatives.

From experience most “third party” types in a two-way race tend to be white, middle-class, and with few financial committments.

I don’t blame Democrats for not stopping this nomination, or for not doing a bunch of procedural shit or whatever to delay was a foregone conclusion no matter what. But now, there is no coherent argument I can think of to not expand the court, except “Well, Democrats might not win the White House or the

If voting white women voted like voting black women in 2016 this wouldn’t have been an issue.  I am just going to sit over here with the African American women that went over 90% for Clinton in 2016.  I expected better from white women (I’m never doing that again) because I definitely knew white men ain’t shit. 

Mitch McConnell won the war. His eyes were on the prize and he knew exactly what to do to get there. While so many people made excuses for why a woman could not be president, McConnell seized every opportunity to establish the foundations of a Christian theocracy in the United States. Every vote counts.