
I love this.  It sounds like Larian is working hard to account for some of the out-of-the-box thinking that happens sometimes at the table.  Reminds me of the time my DM got a new monster manual back in the 3E days.  The DM was eager to try some of the new variants in the book, so he threw some crystalline trolls at

Yeah, I think this is a legit reason to dox

You can stay grey. This whole thread is about saying what you said and not sugar coating it to make people feel better about their apathy towards what is going on. I for one don’t think Cannon should have apologized. White people can be savages and people have a lot of sympathy for Jews because of the Holocaust but

Troll in the grey area. Where do you get your facts? From your lumpy shitty ass? Nick Cannon didn’t tell a single lie. Annnnnnnd dont talk to me about calls for violence when black people are still getting killed by cops. I submit to you sir that you can eat a whole dick. Wipe your ass with your opinion and fuck all

I am glad she wrote that she was NOT ok. It’s been time to make white people uncomfortable. White folks, these are your friends, family members doing this BS and we are supposed to not react so you don’t feel bad about not saying something to them about this racist shit they do and say? 

Could these imbeciles be as stupid as to use their real names on this Zoom?

The shit he did when he was young is genuinely awful, but that was a long time ago, unless there’s some more recent travesty that I am unaware of. There’s probably some restitution and good works he could be doing to make up for his asshole youth, but I’m not sure it warrants all this hand-wringing.

I guess you’d rather have Mark in Transformers 19 than an anti-bullying, probably inspirational film targeted at the straight, cis males who are most responsible for bullying. 

Not every powerful story makes a good screenplay. There’s plenty of activists with compelling stories and plenty of victims who deserve acknowledgement, but that doesn’t mean a film about them will be any good.

The good news is that he didn’t blind the man, he had previously injured his eye in combat. But going back before that, there’s a couple of instances of his throwing rocks at black schoolchildren while shouting “Kill the n———s!” when he was around 15. I’d like to think that he’s truly redeemed himself since then,

if the evangelicals think this is bad, wait til they find out their Chosen One slept with a porn star while his wife was recuperating from childbirth (and then paid her off), or that one of their “leaders” was a cuck who liked watching his wife get railed by the pool boy. Bunch of fucking hypocrites.

The unbelievable cruelty of this story has me close to tears. I’m choking up. 

The sad part, and not really stressed by Raphael, is that most of the known infections are not of people who attended. Those assholes are suffering in silence, with less than 300 confirmed sick and one dead.

O’Keefe and his people are absolute rats. Talk about kissing up and kicking down... shame shame shame on the scumbags who fund them.

So, they found one guy who voted twice by deliberately disguising himself and jumping through multiple hoops to conceal his residence, who apparently has multiple personalities and needs mental health care - not because trans, but because he claims to have two people in one body - and this is a ‘bombshell’ that shows

Gotta love how this works.

bUt MAh fReEduMZZZ!

Hey, this is America. We can be stupid in LOTS of different ways at the same time!

Well the problem is that all these idiots are gonna kill their parents and grandparents, so it’ll be cheap Rascal scooters rather than cheap motorcycles.