
Butwhatabout-ism is the worst defense deployed ever.

Well, you raise a good point...  this is like “the Bitcoin of auto stocks”.

I mean they go for a million miles and never need maintenance and don’t lose value.  Forget gold, Tesla is the new hard currency!

Cue the fanboys saying you just don’t understand the genius of Elon Musk running Tesla like a technology company. He’s disrupting archaic notions like “build quality” to bring you the future!

I don’t think that whether their super janky band-aid repair will be covered by warranty once the part inevitably fails is really the point.

I can’t even tell when Tesla stans are real or when they’re sarcastic anymore.

They should've added a picture. And they reviewed a nicer product than what was actually used. 7/10

as someone who works in an automotive manufacturing facility, i’ve got two things for this comment:

Someone already did and beat me to it!

Because you are spending 55k on this vehicle. I hope to god there isnt a small bit of wire and a piece of cheap wood holding a very important piece of technology together

Probably not spit

Right you put something together as a proof of concept which was then purchased by a larger company where it would continue to be worked on.

I’m not sure the man has met a hammer he didn’t fancy.

Is it a big deal that Tesla used faux wood trim during assembly of my vehicle? No. Is it funny? Yes, yes it is

Nick Offerman approved.

I feel like this is a missed opportunity. The tagline should be “Goodmess Inside.”

Someone needs to go to the home depot website and give a 5 star review on these molding strips as Elon Musk. 

I know true Tesla stans like to believe that each and every car is created from a soup of pure matter, assembled at the atomic level via beams from Elon Musk’s third eye before having artificial life fucked into them in a beautiful and arcane ceremony involving Elon in a silken robe