
Except you claimed “American cheese, especially singles, aren’t actually considered cheese because it’s less than 50% dairy.”, which is wrong. I’m not agreeing with you, I’m correcting you.

Legally, Processed Cheese Food cannot be less than 51% by final weight of one or more “optional cheese ingredients” (IOW cheese, including American but not cream/Neufchâtel or cottage cheese), the balance being one or more “optional dairy ingredients” (milk, whey, etc.), and which may contain one or more specified

I am Skyfire77's complete and total lack of surprise. 

No, they’re exactly the same thing:

See, you’re missing out on cheese steak pizza Wit Whiz though

I speak for all Yinzers when I say no, it doesn’t.

It depends on how American cheese is made & sliced.

Bold of you to assume there was anyone on the technical end to begin with. 


He’s this generation’s Bono!

“You can have it any color you like, as long as it’s black gray.”

Pretty sure I just got tetanus from this pic. 

I wouldn’t even call it technically true. The V-22 OPEVAL pretty clearly states that the Osprey cannot consistently autorotate safely, and that


The Osprey for sure cannot. The engines have a cross-link however, so if one engine goes out the remaining one can drive both rotors (at least long enough to do an emergency landing, anyway). 

Shelter in place is voluntary here in PA, but masks are mandatory if you want to enter any business. Most of the arrests AFAIK have been more “gathering in groups” than just leaving your house.