Variations on a theme:
Variations on a theme:
Nearly eight grand for that shitheap? What is this, a Ron from Ann Arbor ad?
When it comes to claiming they have hypersonic, ship-killing missiles? China is already ahead of us.
A copy of a helicopter made from Chinesium and empty promises? No thanks!
Unless they’ve introduced their own flaws in the process.
Right there with you.
I would be first in line for a Hind air service.
What, no Hires?
Elon-sempai will never notice you, no matter how much you stan for him online.
And much like the Slap-Chop or Hair-in-a-Can, no one has ever asked for this product, the manufacturer just convinced you that you need it...
Should have gotten their MMR vaccine.
Oh, very good!
Hey now, don’t mock Geoff!
Ah, but did he mean Terran years or Martian?