
Still on the run from Borgnar

I hate when that happens.


Technically, the Big E has only been decommissioned; recycling has been postponed until they can figure out how to go about doing it. Enterprise is expected to remain at Newport News until 2021.

ROFL! I love it!

You would think his regular Audits would help treat PTSD...

Maybe? I only watched the first. 

Yup, same deal.

Needz moar buttns!

Wanna bet it’ll be like Battleship? There’ll be some bullshit about the newer planes being grounded/hacked by The Russians (BUM-BUM-BUM!), and Mav and a bunch of other old farts will be raiding airparks and museums for “older” planes so he can win the Big Final Battle™.

They didn’t say the whole video was worth it, just 4 minutes. I think that’s over-estimated by half, but YMMV.

Close enough for Gawkmodo work....

Two were bought from Belarus in ‘95, and two more from the Ukraine in’09:

I’m not sure if you’re either looking at old photos, or don’t grasp the scale. Try switching this over to satellite, and zoom in. There are over 20 hangars alone at Groom Lake, the largest estimated to be 200x400ft wide and 100ft tall. The base is larger than you think it is .

No, no, no, Lilith was in the Geofront. They tested Unit 04's S2 engine at Nerv-2 (Area 51):

SENIOR CROWN I knew, I’ve read a ton about the Blackbirds, but SENIOR YEAR was a new one.


They need the authentication phrase!