
If employees can choose when and where to work they are contractors.

You guys are all missing something much, MUCH more obvious that either didn’t get captured well in the photo or was mostly cropped out for this presentation. Look at what the Santa Fe is carrying in that photo on the roof.

The best part about this comment is the dude that took it seriously.

I think the OP was being sarcastic...

that particular wiper assembly is incredibly expensive and involved to replace and to install - i assume that when it went bad, it was simpler and more cost-effective to just replace the vehicle around it.

Autonomous cars would be faster and safer too, but that’s not the point of racing is it?

If you aren’t cheating you aren’t trying?

Because it takes the skill out of driving. You end up with follow the leader racing, all dictated by ABS and traction control. No one watches that, so it kills the series. But if you have cars that are tough to tame, it lets the good drivers stand out from the pack and allows for more daring passes. If you want to see

“If you’re not first you’re last.”

You sound like you’d be as much fun as a wet blanket.

This atrocity deserves the profanity.

Well that’s just like your opinion, man.

I’m not THAT much better than that, let’s  be honest.

Writer complains about condensation in the fog light.

“looks classy, the classiest. I’ll take 12"

Did the entirety of Sharknado even cost $2.2m to make?

I don’t think another Sharknado would want this on set.

Only thing this report leaves out: did the thieves take the Creedence tapes?

I’m guessing this is one of those EasyRods fiberglass kits.

He glued a part of another steering wheel onto the steering wheel. He does not know what he’s doing.