I love the idea that the batshit crazytown we got on-screen was actually toned down from what had been pitched.
I love the idea that the batshit crazytown we got on-screen was actually toned down from what had been pitched.
That’s possible one of the greatest sentences and visuals ever. It’s so fucking good.
Super fun happy slide!
God that’s good.
Yeah that’s spot on - DC have a deal with Robinson that he has to sign off on any appearance of the character.
That game is both a huge blast and a huge grind. I’ve got really, really good memories of playing it for hours on end while I was at uni as stress relief between studying for exams.
I loved that show when I was a kid. It was such a weird mindfuck but one I’ve got really fond memories of.
Oh fuck that’s right. I’d totally forgotten about the Chakotay storyline.
I never saw Will and Grace so Boston Legal was what I knew him from. Fuck that series was fun as hell.
L to the OG!
Birds of Prey was such a fucking disappointed.
Thank you for sharing the video of Superman learning to fly from Man of Steel. It’s a really wonderful scene and a highlight of that film.
Trying hard to look like Gary Cooper (Super duper!)
Capaldi and Eccleston are my favourites, though I quite like latter-run Smith as well.
Continuing to experience FUCKING OWNAGE!
I think the monarchy and the house of Windsor are a wank but at the same time, Americans talking about it like they hold any kind of moral high ground given their political system is fucked beyond belief.
He posts a lot of photos of his weekly cheat meals, which at any given time can include three or four huge burgers, a full party platter of sushi, a whole container of biscuits (or cookies as the Americans call them)
Just got back from seeing it and yeah I’m glad my fears weren’t confirmed.