I’m fucking pumped for this.
I’m fucking pumped for this.
True. And I mean who could forget the number of people who now insist they hated Morrison too despite backing the prick to the hilt.
For what it’s worth, his late 90s-early 2000s comics work is pretty good.
He’s probably persona non grata with the Republicans now given his endorsed Biden in 2020.
Around the time of the X-Cutioner’s Song. Nice!
Absolutely. It’s fucked when people start talking to you differently or treat you differently once they find out you’re sick or disabled.
I loved Boston Legal (and the last season of The Practice that leads into it). It’s such a blast.
Yeah I totally agree with you, also as a long-time comic fan.
He should call himself The Daredevil. It’s cleaner.
I hope we do get to see more of him. I’m quite the fan of his work as Superman and I’d be interesting to see more films.
It’s absolutely wild how different conditions can share symptoms.
The robes being the jedi uniform wasn’t an invention of the prequels though - it originates with the original trilogy. Yoda essentially wore the same thing, though smaller and obviously in much worse condition, as did Anakin’s force ghost at the end of Return of the Jedi.
Absolutely. There’s so many good bits weighed down by the wheel-spinning to stall six episodes into 13.
People who get upset that things don’t match what they imagined in their heads or whatever are fuckwits though.
Tomorrow Never Dies is super underrated.
It’s so interesting how the reputation of those ones has changed over the years.
It’s an amazing thing, especially after the films and all the games where the basic TIE fighters are incredibly easy to shoot down (TIE Interceptors less so).
It’s such a gripping performance and instantly iconic.
As I recall he asked her to “pinkie promise” not to tell anyone after he groped her breasts.