
I don't know what's coming but couldn't Kermit be being a dick so he can have some sort of arc throughout the series.

i may have mispoke and made a twat of myself and that is twat like cat

I'd like to warn everyone, this guy is how we say in England a "twat" said like "rat" and not like "what"

he should just be trankful for the opportunity

But I would say that The Village Green Preservation and Arthur (my two favourite Kinks albums) hold a great debt to The Beatles and specifically Sgt Pepper as concept albums and to The Kinks who before this were really just a singles band.

H has
Hey Jude
Here Comes the Sun
Here, there and everywhere
… Suck it every other band ever

The A.V club has not disbanded.
Jumps back through window

Hall or Billingham?

trOn the Road?

Peter O tooles version of TE Lawrence, basically the British Atticus Finch

Nothing compared the lesbian scene in Birdman, unwarranted and unnecessary and I never thought I'd say that about a lesbian scene.

I think only Allison Janney could make the Feta stuff work

Homer:I'm just boning up on the old Constitution.
Security:Oh, you're gonna regret that
(Homer cowers behind the bill of rights)
I am so sick of people hiding behind the Bill of Rights! - Look! He got chocolate on it!
Homer:I didn't mean to.
Security:You just licked off the part that forbids cruel and unusual punishment

Wanna go to a club where people throw tea on each other
(a reaching joke which also sounds incredibly painful)

You ever drink marmalade from a shoe

I like those two albums in particular because of their polarity, Ram is (on the surface) a very happy album while Chaos and Creation in the Backyard is almost haunting in how sad it is, one of my favourite lyrics is from At the Mercy
"if you take me up I won't say no
I guess you'd rather see me grow
Into a better man

Of course the correct answer is Lennon-Mccartney but when they were apart I prefer McCartney, Ram and Chaos and Creation in the Backyard are my favourite albums, Beatles or otherwise

I bet Hannibal would be able to convince me that when he cut them off I stopped supplying them blood, so we are both responsible and we will both taste our mistakes together.

I trust Hannibal implicitly and his food is so fancy, but it's human meat, but it looks delicious, one bite wouldn't hurt, oh they're my arms and he's feeding them to me with a weird Madds smile, I'm so tasty

Why do you say the criticism is so trivial at a site dedicated to it.