
@nahde: Apple: selling $20b worth of devkits every year.

I'm no Gaga fan but apparently she made $6m from music sales and $24m from touring last year:

@DavidWizard: Sounds pretty hand-waving to me, after all successful online retailers and service providers are already very good at bringing clicks their way, and that's all you need to do to get people to purchase subs from your website.

@MrFluffyThing: Baloney. Amazon can send an email to customers saying FREE TOASTER and on the free toaster page, there are the subscriptions they might be interested in.

@jdale: Most distributors distribute physical goods where it's impractical or impossible to take advantage of price discrimination.

@DavidWizard: It is literally impossible to imagine a scenario where Amazon could lure customers into purchasing subscriptions on their website versus through the Kindle app.

@DavidWizard: It takes two (or more) to tango in price fixing cases, who are Apple's partners in crime in this situation?

@nahde: I doubt Apple much cares, as they've proven with their Mac product line that market share and profitability do not go hand in hand:

@DavidWizard: My bad, I've got FCC on the brain this morning as Republicans are trying to hamstring the agency's attempts to enforce net neutrality:

I must say I can sort of understand the mindset, as a 20 year Windows veteran who switch to Mac a few years ago.

Hey is this the same FCC that said net neutrality was unnecessary?

@magus-21: Right, they should just let everyone charge 30% more in-app so that no one buys in-app purchases!

@ahbi: Sounds like Amazon has a trivial exercise ahead of them, to somehow convince their customers to purchase content on the Amazon website instead of through the Kindle app on iOS!

@Cochese 2.0: They get investigated for anti-competitive behaviour regularly, and globally, and nothing ever comes of it. After all with Android devices outselling iOS, it's hard to make a case that Apple is leveraging any sort of monopoly here; publishers are free to exit the platform if they don't like the

@negitoro: Distributors raise the cost of literally every product you own. This is simply a new way of doing it.

Oh hey Kat, knew it was you from the headline.

@Sl4ck3r: I listen to streaming music in iTunes all the time, it supports everything from SHOUTcast and RadiotTime I throw at it. The Windows client works fine.

@tobythesandwich: Well as I said I excluded tethering because there's no limit to bandwidth demands from a full computer.