
@walkingagh: You can do this today with 3G though.

Do we need 4G on our phones? Except for tethering a laptop - to watch streaming 1080p with - I really don't see it.

As if the signal-to-noise ratio in Google results isn't bad enough already.

@jdale: Connect the dots for me, how would Sony abandoning the biggest online music market in the world increase their long-term profits?

@Sl4ck3r: Yeah, I can't wait to hear Kat tell us how great Google's me-too music service is.

@Weakskills: Anyone can build them, but only Apple can keep them completely filled with customers.

A match made in heaven, at last I can finally watch the short films of Ingmar Bergman back to back with the latest episode of Jersey Shore!

@DarthMonkey: Amen. Publishers can trivially implement paywalls for their content, or build content consumption apps that are every bit as good as the iOS versions with far less effort out of good ol' HTML5, in away that works across all major browsers and devices too.

@Mark 2000: Yes bits and paper are different.

@talkingstove: That's a good idea, since I understand Apple has had trouble attracting developers.

@greatusername: Yes, it would be much better if Amazon took 30% of the profits from an author than Apple.

@dagamer34: Implementing a business strategy that helps you at the expense of your competition is not "anti-trust".

@ougenbestate: Well of course, otherwise publishers would douse their content in links to the mothership to prevent Apple from getting their 30%.

@foxh8er: You don't go to the Smithsonian to see stuff that you can still buy on store shelves.

That's great Google, but you know what would be even better?

@zross312: Agreed, no chance they'll compromise the integrity of the current iPhone design to bring out some clunky slider.

@jewdass: A stylus? Seriously?

@A Magician Named Gob: Hardly anyone except a small gang of nerds is "serious" about gaming on such a tiny device.

@MazdaMania: Please link even a single picture of a 1980s TV set that looks anything like an iPhone.