
@Breakyerself: Well there's no way to just attach a device to a Windows machine and start downloading data, so this is almost certainly a buzzword-friendly way of describing copying files to a USB mass storage device.

"Pod Slurping"? You just plug an iPod into a computer you don't have access to, and it magically starts copying data to itself?

@Totenglocke42: Get ready then, because the Honeycomb devs can't stop saying how proud they are of their virtual buttons.

@jcsimms: Or a 1.2GHz processor?

@siwex80: Activity Monitor (and this tool presumably) provides detailed network usage statistics. Wireshark will let you see the actual data being passed across each interface.

@Inquartata: Ah I see. Yeah lots of confusion over that at the moment.

@ZeddStar: Stereophile? The guys that recommend $1k power cables?

@zross312: What anti-Kindle nonsense?

@ayonkers: AAC is both open and license-free except for codec developers.

@hostile-17: Well I don't think it exactly excuses Microsoft's behaviour if it comes to light that they're cloning search results from other search engines too.

@hostile-17: Yes but in this case these dramatically misspelled words only exist in on place in the entire internet, namely in Google search results. There's no other place MS could have gotten them from.

@jdale: There's nothing wrong with having a monopoly in the browser, so long as you don't engage in anti-competitive practices in securing that monopoly, see Apple iPad.

Without even watching I figured this was going to be about the holographic principle, sure enough I see Susskind's grinning mug about a minute in.

Programming is simply a life skill these days, I think the rudiments - logical problem decomposition, planning how to solve the problem, basic program concepts and structures, all taught with a widely used yet relatively painless language like Python - should be mandatory at the high school level. If nothing else the

@Arggh! there goes a...snake a snake!: You'll be able to write native NDK apps for Android in C++ directly although you'll need to learn the libraries etc. Java is sort of an evolution of C++ so you'll be able to make that transition easily, while Objective C is kind of its own animal but there's no better place to

@CaptainJack: That's too bad, I get 8Mb/s sustained downloads on my connection at virtually all times of day but I've never been able to get Netflix HD working either, I thought it was just me.

So if Netflix needs 4.8Mb/s for HD streaming, isn't this chart showing that in real world testing, practically no one can watch HD Netflix?