
@Ryan: And when those kids get older and start tweeting, are they sharing bible verse?

@phunnyballs: Doesn't look like it, unless everyone packed up and moved from New York to Georgia or something.

What else do we know about the PSP2?

@NeoTechni: While Microsoft's WLM platform is popular (not because of quality but because it comes pre-installed in every copy of Windows), it has serious technical deficiencies such as a lack of encryption, meaning anyone can easily wiretap your WLM conversations.

@NeoTechni: You're right I suppose, open is not a requirement, but choosing a protocol controlled solely by a competitor is obviously not acceptable either. This clearly rules out AIM, Yahoo or MSN, and Google's video chat is currently proprietary as well.

The Black Eyed Peas never met a paycheck they didn't like.

@daqman: Man did you ever miss the point.

@Shawn Rosvold: Maybe because Apple runs their retail store behemoth on iPhone payment systems, while Google to my knowledge has no previous product or experience in this realm?

Is Google Voice still limited to the USA?

Wow. The trip I'll get from logging into some BBS at 2am to read old 2600 issues will be well worth the $20.

@tn544: Please share samples of the sort of serious 3D you do in a coffee shop on a 13" screen.

@dgkz0idberg: Take it straight back to Apple, that should never happen. My father-in-law upgraded the RAM on his MacBook and that started happening.

@kooster_v2: It's not a problem, I had Boot Camp on my MBP for a while.

@Clashwerk: not like those shiny displays from PC makers amirite

@ithrewitontheground: So the fact that Gizmodo runs Google ads disguised as articles is evidence of a pro-Apple bias in your mind?

@B@tM@n: "There is no way that Giz would ever publish these types of "reviews" for a MSFT product or even Android."

@jcongdon: So you didn't read the article?