
@Serolf Divad: Standing army? Is Apple Blackwater now, in your mind?

Even a 64GB drive should be more than enough for most people, OS/apps don't take up too much space after all.

So can you use the 3G models as a phone like you were supposed to be able to do with the Galaxy Tab?

@ddhboy: Yeah, apps are such a huge reason for iOS' success and Apple's got such a huge head start in this regard, Moto should definitely price this thing a bit more competitively.

@jce001: Are you suggesting Facebook should change to prevent cheaters from cheating?

@illegaloperation: Do you have any examples? I haven't seen to much of 3.0 yet.

So is this thing shipping with Blur?

@NeoTechni: I don't see video chat capability in any of the current PSPs. Was this functionality in prior hardware? What protocol did it use?

@Les Mikesell: By that logic no software should be patentable, since all software is math at some level.

@dresenpai: On the contrary, I think the debut of Android 3.0 tablets will really highlight just how unsuited the Atrix' Android 2.2 is for tablet form factors.

@nixonlvr: Yeah, the problem is certainly magnified when you from spending $100 on a smartphone to spending $600+ on a tablet. Add to that the fact that there will undoubtedly be very rapid and significant innovations in the tablet OS space for the next few years.

@mikepetty: I haven't heard any stories where Google settled with a "little guy" out of court for 6+ figures, however there are many stories of Google spending millions (even $100m in the case of Viacom, and that never even went to court) to protect its interests.

Of course they will. This isn't a Nexus One.

@DirtyDogg: : "Any uncertainty that WebM poses is still better than being a slave to licensing H.264."

@Les Mikesell: So... if more people back corporate behemoths like Google who ignore licenses and patents when convenient, we'll be able to push through more sensible patent reforms?

@citaro: Oracle does huge business from Java, surprisingly (at least it was to me).

@OMG_cartman: The real world is also littered with rip-offs and thievery, are you cool if I steal your car?