That’s a reasonable assessment that this is heading towards justice, but isn’t yet there.
That’s a reasonable assessment that this is heading towards justice, but isn’t yet there.
Dare I suggest a sub-wiki of some type on Wikipedia? Or would loosing those editorial demons on this unsuspecting website’s content be too cruel? Or should I ask “too gruel”?
“... officers should be able to deal with someone yelling in their face without sucker punching them.”
Or maybe _The OCHO_
I don’t think you’ll ever see Barack Obama in the full-on fire and brimstone rage you want. I also don’t think you really want it. He got eight years of training and practice in getting useful things done in the face of irrational opposition.
How about “a clutch of Karens” as in clutching their pearls?
But what would Euripedes cousin, Imendadese, have to say about it?
“That’s what she said?” I suppose that works for “gentle, careful, slowly”...
“Her”. Sexist pig-cat.
Who hurt you? Are you ok with sharing what they did to you? Was it recent?
Now *that* is a deep cut. The Spirit of Nimoy Approves.
I’ve got an incredible amount of respect for this young woman and her message. Has anyone to date referred to her as “Greta ‘Thundering’ Thunberg” or “Greta ‘Bring the Thunder’ Thunberg”?
Really really really not enough stars here.
What is the deal with words having to do with things that float on top of the water?
The juxtaposition of these two stories was rather disturbing to me.
Re: Burr supporters: “Its members couldn’t agree on whether to take a stand.”
Maybe “Can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em?”. Truly WTF, indeed.
Number one, thanks for the reasonable conversation. A rare gem in today’s interwebs.
I’m not saying “think of the children”. I’m saying that you provided me a link to some very clear data about the estimated benefits and the likelihood of that estimate being correct. I used that data to draw up an estimate on a per person basis for how providing flu shots benefits society. Another page on the CDC…
Wiping boogers on your steering wheel is one way that veneer begins to chip away.