
Sounds right on the money to me.

Plus the one guy, at least, had a cat-that-ate-the-canary half-smile on his face while they were questioning Holmes.

The stick method worked fairly well with the Moriarty-assassin-gone-rogue at the end of Season One. He didn't get away from the guy entirely but he slowed him down considerably — and he was already shot at the time, I think. And what he did to the serial killer at the end of The Deductionist indicated that, at the

Plus, he was trying to pick a guy's pocket at the same time, and succeeded. I think that's a fairly impressive physical feat to manage when you've just been attacked out of the blue by two guys, one from behind, as you're walking in a fog of depression.

I hope the same …. Seems to me it has to.

Unexploded Bomb. — I've watched too many WWII stories.

So far from not winning, the poor man isn't even getting nominated. For *anything.* Stupid stupid stupid.

To me, one of the best things about this series is how they've taken the essential melancholy of Holmes and the Doyle stories and played it out, both in the texture of the show and in the story lines. (even as they've repeatedly lightened it, too, by having episodes with various moods, and the wonderful humor) This

They did reveal his full name along with the promo still that you show above, when they released it — And it was one of the first stills to be released from the episode. Even before I saw the name — which wasn't made very prominent — I got a Jordan Chase-y vibe from it. So when I did see the name, I knew.

I have to say that I'm usually amazed that they manage to successfully (or at least fairly so, in the lesser episodes) juggle two complicated stories (with plot, humor, philosophical reflection at times, recurring jokes and characters like Ms. Hudson and Clyde, serial elements and massive character work) in 42

In addition, there are the physical needs of the detective life, as Holmes participates in it.

Dead-on review for a fine episode.

Well, we can agree to disagree.

I'm kinda puzzled by complaints about not knowing who Gregson's daughter was right away and not understanding why Gregson was being groused at like a perp in his first scene and so on. I'm pretty sure that we fans do mainly want a sophisticated show. And it's clear that fans want all sorts of serial elements along

I thought it was creepy, and I also thought it was probably giving Sherlock some particularly creepy thoughts about his love life.

Thanks very much for engaging in this discussion, Craig. It's a privilege to hear writer-splaining from someone responsible for work I admire so much.

Hurrah for that, Craig Sweeny!

Oh, I was just joking about how, as so often, they got pushed out of their time slot last night, at least where I live (I don't actually know why they did, but I thought it must have had something to do with the immigration speech. I watched the speech, turned off my media, and then tuned into CBS at 10 for Elementary

Yeah, I love Clyde, too. But am I the only one who was excited to hear Sherlock name his *mother* on the very short list of those he's loved (including, kinda sorta, Watson)? …

They only have 42 minutes to run through the whole (multi-plot, filled-with-subtleties) story. They really didn't have time to waste on a realistically timed elevator ride, seems to me.