
I think she just wanted and explicit confirmation.

Except he's incredibly unreliable. That's the price you pay for having David on the team. All that power… and never any certainty that it will be there when you need it.

I'd say the frustration lay in going 3 episodes with no one but David really explicitly acknowledging the Devil with Yellow Eyes. That should change next week I'd think.

My thinkings is that part of the reason these last two episodes have had a limited range is that they need to conserve money and resources for their run.

Looked like a paper ache costume to me — which works conceptually and visually.

When the demon is lit and cropped a certain way, he's 100% freaky as fuck.

I have a hunch that the slower pace with these two episodes has to do with conserving resources for the full run.

He was so faded it didn't seem like The Eye would take notice. The next time seemed to be a stronger manifestation of that ability.

I'm thinking the Yellow Eyed Devil made David murder his psychiatrist.

Well, they've shown us that twice, so they probably figure they don't have say it.

Stephen King?

I definitely think there's a chance Lenny never existed, but that would require that David was able to manifest her in a bodily form. That, or Lenny is one of the forms for the devil with yellow eyes— in addition to also appearing as the Angry Boy.

There's going to be a lot to wrap up, whether or not there's a fifth season.

SERIES finale!

That's a lot of Daisies that could be running around causing thouble in theoretical future seasons.

That, and it seems that the Framework likely only accommodates an Earth. Building a believable Maveth strictly from the memories of Jemma, Fitz and Coulson seems unlikely.

I'm crossing my fingers for a Yo-Yo, Bobbi, Hunter, Deathlok, and Ghost Rider team-up rescue mission.

We can absolutely love both. It would just be nice if SHIELD were recognized as the legitimately better executed and most-improved comic book show on network tv.

Maybe he'll be the reverse of season 1. Instead of being a SHIELD agent gone bad, he's a HYDRA agent that goes good.

Agents of HYDRA.