
If Ward isn't a construct of Daisy's doing, then he's a creation of Radliffe or the rest of the team, like May.

oh good call! They have said that they'd like to bring him back!

But Ward could be a regret that she's kept to herself.

The AoS team deserves to have a whole action sequence at this point. Something that serves the plot, like the prologue of Avengers 4 or something.

Right? DD season 2 was really helped by having 2 distinct arcs. Imagine if they did 3 arcs with those 13 episodes? If not, they really need to go down to 8-10.

From the perspective of tone, characters, and universe building - I prefer Netflix. But AoS has got the pacing thing DOWN big time… and they do more episodes!

I have a hung he'll be a good guy here. But then he'll find out he's not real…

That grave might be empty.

I think the biggest cameo you could ever hope for on this show is Fury.

I think this is a good theory, along with Mace not making it OUT of the Framework.

I'm kind of hoping the resolution to this final arc involves re-recruiting Bobbi, Hunter, Deathlok, Ghost Rider, and Maria Hill back into the show to help rescue the team. And a Nick Fury cameo at the end. :)

I think he will be good this go-around. He might start off dull… but then he's going to find out he's just a mental construct of Daisy. What then? Will he stay good and help get the team out… or will he find a way out for himself and gain a body?

But he's a construct built off of Daisy's regret this time. My guess is that the twist is that he'll be a good guy.

Maybe I'm alone, but I liked psychopath Ward 2.0. I felt he was an effective nuisance that could've popped every so often through out the series.

Shout out to Mace for those perfect T-1000 moves.

Let's wait and see what this Grant Ward is like. He could be an entirely different character.

…And then they show you Fitz getting out of that limo with… someone.

Seems like Bobbi and Hunter could be in the Framework or recruited in real life.

Let's not forget the Darth Vader gag in the episode, either.

I think if Cobie Smulders never became a regular despite her small part in the movies and the end of her tv show… that doesn't look great for Agent 13. At best, she'll get a guest spot.