
Not sure you can take any info about the Rider as factual yet… Even Robbie might not fully know how the demon works and what it's capable of. I'm not sure the demon even referred to itself as the Spirit of Vengeance on the show.

Right, that seems like a big deal no one is talking about: SHIELD has experience with the Ghost Rider, Johnny Blaze, Danny Ketch or otherwise.

Well since Iris died in the future, it'll obviously end up being someone else. Julian would be my #1 candidate, followed by HR. I'd be pleasantly surprised if Iris did bite it. Literally everyone else who's dated Barry makes for a better match.

Thise first two episodes have been pretty average-to-awful. Might be dropping the show like I had to with Arrow.

I geel like The Flash and Legends need to meet up and clear up the rules of time travel. Going by the rules as stated on The Flash, there isn't anything the Legends crew haven't done that wouldn't reek total havok on the universe, spawning…. infinite earths!

If he has a costumed past, he's either granted youth from his Inhuman powers, a successful recipient of the super soldier serum, or his entire story has been moved to the present day. Probably the latter.

Jamie Lannister will be renamed Queenslayer by the end of the show.

Kinda hoping Fury is back as director.

Time gem!

(1) I can't get over Barry not tellin his "team" that he spent a day on another Earth.

I actually kind of agree. There was a series called End of Days that "ended" Matt's story. I won't spoil it, but you kind of revisit all of Matt's girlfriends, and his possible children, in order to solve a mystery involving Matt.

Someone's got a sidekick to recruit…

Yet Hogarth is kind of a shitty person who lies all the time…

There was no Luke cage teaser when I watched the finale. Had to go to you tube.

I'm thinking "Born Again" + "Guardian Devil" = season 3

We've got a long list of Matt Murdock girlfriends to get through before we can have the "who he's meant to be with" debate. :)

I think it's pretty obvious that several story elements are zeroing in on Karen. I don't think she's going to have a pleasant season 3.

I'm kind of hoping that Hogarth has an ulterior motive for making him partner that has nothing to do with legal talent. She doesn't strike me as the kind of person that would give a guy like Foggy any real power. That, or she intends on cornering the niche market of vigilante legal defense…

Well it's not like they got Jessica to seek out some extra legal help from Nelson & Murdock after Hogarth proved to be a piece of shit…

Was it only Stick who claimed that? He couldve been lying.