
I’m a Yankee fan too and agree. Also, that was going to be a double whether the door was open or not.

I’m a yankee fan but you have to be fair...that was the yankee’s bullpen door and it was their fault that it wasn’t shut.

Why can’t 4-door Utes be a thing? That’s what I want. A sedan with a truck bed. I know I know, Subaru did that thing that one time.

I’m a dedicated liberal. “Safe spaces” are a joke. One can choose what and what not to listen to and/or believe. Adults, in particular (and that’s what college kids are) should be able to process things that offend them. The world is rife with “micro-aggressions”; if one demands an echo chamber during this phase of

Usually people burn their hands during hot stove season (shrug).

Remembering high school chemistry is sometimes a very high bar!

Would they knock off the e-brake bullshit already?!

No doubt... but IMO for a company that has been facing both real and perceived reliability issues for decades that’s the wrong approach.

Did you know that once upon a time (10 years ago) their warranty was 4/50?

I’ve said it so many times (apparently VW corporate doesn’t read my posts, such a shame): the single-best thing VW could do to increase sales is to increase the warranty to 10 years / 100,000 miles like Hyundai did. Not only will this increase consumer confidence in the brand, but it will also incentivize them to