
“mostly, it was because Kevin De Bruyne did what he does: run wherever the hell he wants, truck into opposing players when they had the ball and take it away from them, bomb forward towards the goal, and smash balls into the net directly or off the post for a teammate to sweep home.”

Make<i> Mad Max: Fieri Road</i>

You’ve outlined an industry specific change, not a workflow evolution. Cars are made differently, and technology has changed this, but industry is still necessary—American industry just needs to shift to building new, different products than before, OR exploited countries need to have the necessary worker revolutions

Um, your father and I aren’t fans of your internet trolling. We raised you to make the most out of your GED, which you clearly aren’t.

I don’t get the distinction. Both parties candidates supported the Iraq War (…). Besides, if you think Hillary’s vote for it is so morally odious, how do you look past Trump’s unconstitutional xenophobia?