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    What does everyone think of the Sims 4 so far? Is it worth getting over Sims 3?

    Selling stolen property is a crime regardless of what said property actually is. So is the act of hacking itself; he is facing 9 counts of charges related to hacking, including five counts of fraud.

    From Software has always been an ambitious developer in terms of their ideas but from a technical standpoint they've always been rather disappointing.

    I hear this all the time but out of all my time spent on the game (>120 hours) I've come across maybe 5 people who could have been hacking and none off the top of my head that were obviously hacking.

    Do you get trouble from the wasps flying around that the gasoline doesn't touch?

    Oh, you think I'm hard? I'm just the tutorial level.

    Art styles comes into it but I think it's worth taking into account the kinds of production schedules all these different anime's are on. A lot of anime series' nowadays are produced in sort of a hurry at the height of a series' popularity, so these are probably the result of certain time saving tricks they employ to

    Well this post is 2+ years old now, but several years ago most of the video files I saw people use in Taiwan was rmvb. These days realplayer has pretty much died off as smaller sized and more high quality video codecs have been developed.

    For what it's worth I watched the trailer and thus far I see zero noticeable relations to the original Xenoblade. I've never experienced Xenosaga or Xenogears though, so I dunno.

    I didn't see anyone complaining about Chell wearing what were basically high heels in Portal.

    Indeed we can. Apologies.

    You think teenage girls and fan service are bad; methinks that y'all may have another problem heading your way fairly soon.

    It's more of a title actually, by the end of ME her title is Tali'Zorah vas Normandy.

    So in this case, I guess the child might be named Tali'Zorah vas Escapistforums.

    Does anyone find it interesting how older games can run even if they're damaged or interrupted some how?
    I remember on the first Playstation, if your game was stuck in a loading screen, you could open the tray, take the disc out, clean it, put it back in the machine and the game would occasionally be able to continue

    Oh wow, they gave him a box of towels so that he could dry his tears.

    Call me crazy but I think Nintendo should be trying to market towards PC gamers more. I have several reasons.

    Wrong article

    Yasuo hasn't actually been released yet and won't be playable for another week or two, so the title is a bit misleading.

    You're probably right that the console market isn't ready yet for such a change. The sad thing is that you guys (and PC gamers too) are already feeling the negative effects of the industry reacting against used games. Online-passes, DLC (day-one especially) - these are all at least in part designed to counterbalance

    Now playing

    Sure, used games are great - for the consumer (cos it's free/less money), and for the backstabbing game retail stores like Gamestop who profit from it. Both piracy and used games end up costing the developer in some way, though. I'm curious, if both have the same effect then how do you justify used games over piracy?