What do you think a new game can offer you that the existing game doesn't?
What do you think a new game can offer you that the existing game doesn't?
If you have actually seen the amount of detail that they put into each individual ship, you would understand why. They are by no means a 'small' feature, and new ships are in addition to a <i>ton</i> of other features, such as celebrity voice acting, motion capture and a new development studio. See here for the full…
I actually made it all the way to Pinwheel before I read a wiki and realized I was going the wrong way. By that point I had already acquired the Black Knight Greataxe (lucky!) which I couldn't use until Sen's Fortress. I dunno whether that makes me a boss, persistent, or just dumb.
Back in Pokemon Silver, I defeated a level 30-something Gengar with a level 5 Togepi.
The Xenoblade sequel. Just do it.
You're implying that games like CS and SF only rely on good mechanics and don't require any degree of knowledge of the game, which is about as far from the truth as you can get.
Considering that a single character can easily take your average player 10+ hours to get anywhere good at, plus another 10+ hours to learn how to deal with each of the other new characters, I would say $15 is a steal for how much more variety it adds to the game.
I'm guessing you've either never played this game, or you have no conception of how freaking huge the competitive scene is for this game. The SF franchise is not Call of Duty with its yearly expansions; they don't release content which is 80~90% the same, call it a sequel and charge the full price. This is probably…
Not everything applies, but you would be surprised how much your knowledge of one particular character can influence your skill with a totally unrelated character.
Since I don't see this mentioned anywhere, what's your opinion on people who don't ever plan to get married?
He could have euthanized a monkey with the rage virus. He could have prevented a major disaster for all you know!
This is cool and all, but how would it help you if you had absolutely no idea how many people there are in Chicago? It's almost like asking how many piano tuners there are in say, Scandinavia. It still relies on a piece of fairly obscure trivia.
He won't look half as gay when compared to Tingle.
An easy way to save money is to consider AMD cpus. They're very competitive in terms of price-performance ratio.
However a sizable portion of the DS population found PC to be the superior platform due to the graphics, 60 fps unlock, and such. The port may have sucked but DSfix actually managed to turn it into the superior version of the game, GFWL aside.
I'm gonna leave this here.
The biggest let-down about DS2 for me was that they gave you a Diablo-style progression with equipment but basically gave you no end game for you to use that epic loot outside of the Crucible. Once you get certain upgrades combat became incredibly easy.
Furthermore if you were to spend an extra $100 dollars on the graphics card you could get the venerable Radeon 7950 or a GTX 660 Ti, either of which will give you a vastly superior graphical experience compared to the PS4. You can have a fully fledged gaming machine that should be more than on par with the next gen…
So I read your comment about building a gaming pc for the price of a PS4, which got me interested so I went on PCpartpicker to try and meet your challenge, let me know what you think.
Men don't need to keep everything in a bag and off their person so that they can look thin and svelte. Everything fits in my pocket or gets purchased as I need them.