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    Don't know about the comics, but on tv iirc the Walking Dead zombie disease is caused by a virus, not parasites.

    Yes, you do both number 1 and 2 in it.

    Those recommendations are pretty silly. In my opinion it would be slightly less ethical to kill the 28 Days Later type zombies since they are actually still alive, although extremely dangerous.

    These Asian ground toilets are basically the same thing, so in theory women's urinals are perfectly feasible. But the question remains whether or not you'd want to drop trou standing next to several strangers. Maybe if you put boards up between them.

    What is that from?

    From memory I can remember a total of 3 instances where my parents hit me (not spanked, but either hit with the handle of a fly swatter, or slapped in the face from both sides simultaneously). The fact that these were rare occurences made the experience stick, and in my teenage years I could absolutely understand why

    The criticism from Craigslist reminds me of something that happened in Europe a long time ago. It happened a while before the Black Plague, IIRC.

    Now playing

    Sigh. Whenever the white vs asians in anime debate gets too serious, I like to relax with an episode of the Boondocks.

    I'm not an expert on this - I'm just paraphrasing what someone else said.

    I'm pretty sure large round eyes were a desirable trait before Japanese people even knew Caucasians existed.

    I believe feminine looking male protagonists is one of the common features of anime.

    I believe George Carlin proved rape could be funny more than 10 years ago, may he rest in peace.

    I just spent two months in Taiwan and I saw this commercial all the time, I was wondering when somebody was going to make a fuss about it.

    "A-list characters like Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog and Solid Snake from Konami's Metal Gear Solid series show up to go toe-to-toe against Nintendo royalty Mario, Samus and Sora."

    I would argue that it would be not okay if there was actually any damage done. I mean, I'm already familiar with all the things that were mentioned in the video, it's not like my opinion of white people is worse after watching it. Honestly, I have to question whether or not that's the case for anybody who's watched it.

    Funny thing is, I don't think Asian folk were too upset about the video. I thought she had a point, you shouldn't be loud in the library - I'm pretty sure that holds true no matter what country you're in.

    For the sake of increasing the general level of love and understanding in the world, it's important to recognize racism on the level of intent, not content.

    My (white) friends couldn't tell Asians apart, but they knew a Korean guy when they saw one. They were just that obvious.

    As an Asian, let me pose a question to all the other Asians here...

    Do Hungarians really enjoy Hungarian porn?