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    @Recoil: Well, what exactly about it do you say is spamming? The kicks? That's not spamming, that's just how Chun-Li's kick is activated.

    @UndeadHiro: What you're talking about is either a garden variety launch-cancel-ultra, which anybody who's played a couple hours of street fighter can pull off, or you're talking about resets, which is not a combo since it's blockable.

    @beanspeppin: The game is far from broken, it just shows how little you know of this game.

    @Recoil: I've said this to another guy and I'll say it to you. That is a combo. There are many 'one-frame-links' involved which means you get one frame to input the correct command otherwise the combo breaks. This is not spam hitting, it's not button mashing, it's real skill.

    Isn't this just a re-post of an old video and article?

    @Steve Campbell: That is a combo. There are many 'one-frame-links' involved which means you get one frame to input the correct command otherwise the combo breaks. This is not spam hitting, it's not button mashing, it's real skill.

    So, they arrested Assange on charges completely unrelated to Wikileaks, and then they make up a holiday with a theme that's got everything to do with Wikileaks?

    Oddworld - now there was a excellent developer that just kinda disappeared off the radar.

    @Char Aznable: That's not to say Gamebryo doesn't have enormous flaws. The game engine can't even handle ladders.

    @KingArthur: So are we all in agreement that as a matter of national security, we should all support the government and its policies, if for no other reason, to keep the Chinese at bay?

    I would like to see a Prototype sequel too, the original was really fun but also left a ton of room for improvement, I'd like to see a more in-depth combat system for example, a greater degree of customization, and more general evilness.

    Traditionally, zombies flicks have suffered from poor quality due to time constraints of the film itself. Let's face it, a couple hours isn't really enough to draw out a post-apocalypse type story, this is particularly so with zombie flicks because it's such a saturated genre. So making a tv series about zombies good

    Photoshop, obviously. Notice the directions of the shadows.

    I don't suppose the works of Douglas Adams really counts as writing about Gods and such.

    I thought this had something to do with Nausicaa and the Valley of Wind when I saw the picture.

    @littlemisslondon: I had no idea people knew about Junji Ito in the west. His stories are truly chilling.

    If that Slithersucker can populate forests like jellyfish populate the sea...

    Now we know. And knowing is half the battle.

    I'm no expert but perhaps the alligators understood that they were venturing into another animal's territory. Territorial control is a pretty powerful thing even between different species.