"Like those joke Glasses?" -D.Sedaris

Nope! If I’m hating, I’m not fk’n you. Get the hell away from me. 


Calling it now. Next one to crossover... Nina Turner

If they can’t write a positive about their St. Bernie every time. Then they’ll write a negative about every candidate out there. We have another year of this.

See, but that’s not how propaganda works.

Ah Ha! Explains everything now.

Right! Why?

Same. My mother also will say “you remember that time” this or that happened? No Mom, I don’t. I was 3!

The sauce was ketchup. Yuk

You realize Frankenstein was the doctor? So “Frankensteph” analogy makes no sense.

I seriously am very happy for you.  I’ve learned many of lessons myself. 


I’m still thinking about that key-lime fish!

If they do it with you. They’ll do it to you. 

I couldn’t agree more. I was a podcast listener even went to a couple of his shows. I’m over him and his rants. I luv that Newsom is Gov. of CA now. Adam was so jealous of his looks. Hee

It’s definitely a good start!

The skin does some “horror’ed” things after 50. I’m sure a melting rabbit it going to look really “bad ass”

Wonder how “bad ass” it will look in his 70’s?


AhYes! Correct.