
The military stamps out everyone’s individualism, it isn’t just “trans people.” If you thought otherwise, you’ve never been in the military. It’s a machine. It can’t afford to get seized up every time someone has an identity crisis. And for f*ck’s sake, putting people who were born with penises into women’s privacy

I’ve noticed that for a long time, but come on.  You’re saying this in the context of a movie about a vinyl doll who trivializes womanhood.  I suppose at least for once it’s not a “reboot.”

You don’t get to wring your hands about women’s humanity and dignity when you support a silly man who thinks we’re just his personal costume and iDeNtiTy to slip on any time he wants a little extra attention.  Women are adult female humans who were born with ovaries, not a “gender identity.”  Until you figure that

FYI:  There are actual grown men out there posing not only as female people but as female children, but sure, act like “trans age” is just some Qanon conspiracy theory.  And tell me something.  Legal adulthood is more of a social construct than sex ever was.  If we can declare a male person female on a government

Was in the Army. They do have a financial literacy course the CO makes you take if you get caught bouncing a check. That’s about the extent of it though.

Type 1 or type 2?

Conspiracy to overthrow a government and mass-rape a bunch of fertile women sure is illegal.  If it’s not, they should make it so, post haste.

All they had to do was go talk with Luke to verify the story.  Luke already knew, because June told him.

They have to make sure June’s not pregnant first.  Though after her turning up with a bullet in her body, that’s going to throw a spanner into things.

She still has to save her daughter.  Oh yeah, RIGHT!

Fifty-two kids who will now not have to grow up in the nightmare that is Gilead. Fifty-two kids may not mean a lot to you or in the grand scheme of things but to each kid rescued it meant the world. Including the one who found her daddy almost immediately upon landing.

And funny thing about making a society too

Men mostly experience sexual assault from other men, by the way.  I’m a little tired of the “men are raped too” canard without that essential fact added on -- people act like they’re all getting raped by women and that’s not even close to true.

Which is why June kissed her goodbye. Yep.

These people live in a society where men will cut a woman’s hand off for reading (second offense, but still) or have her torn apart by dogs for taking a contraceptive pill and you’re asking where June’s moral compass went if she’s letting an unbalanced woman die to preserve her own life?  Don’t ask fictitious

He was already issued the Handmaid and they haven’t had enough time to determine if June is pregnant.  Do you really think they’re just going to whisk June off before she gets her next period and take Lawrence’s baby away when he’s got Marthas to help him raise that child?  Now if they somehow find him unfit, which is