
The larger grocery store by me has the setup where the cashiers have to do the bagging, there is a smaller one that is part of the same chain just a little closer and they have the old setup so they don’t care if you bag your own groceries. I get pretty snobby about packing groceries in a bag and yeah—2 cans in one

So how long do I have to wait for someone to interact with me and give me approval? This is the sort of anxiety-inducing situation that makes me avoid social situations in general. 

I’m sure I made the process of getting a Kinja account far more difficult than it needed to be—I didn’t realize you could merge accounts, so I made a new Kinja account, but Harrietthespy was already taken, so I chose a new name, and then I tried to merge my Disqus account with my new Kinja account and it was weird and

I generally don’t like change but I’m realizing wow, I really hate when things change.