
Wouldn’t it be crazy if that speech was never meant to be in the movie, but was instead intended for a dark-side-bound Ezra?

This is honestly it.

Drowzee is most likely a tapir.

Sell the rights back to Marvel so that people with a firm grasp on how to make a strong franchise film series can handle it.


Paper Jam is the absolute worst of the Mario & Luigi series.

You don’t get to say “deuces bitch” then continue to post.

Regarding the first scene you mention, it (a) is misleading since it implies a dark turn in her character that never happens and (b) the moment only works in the trailer because of the voiceover.

I don’t think it’s so much a matter of cheapening the official release as much as it is about not muddling the concept of what’s canon.

I’ve never understood why the studio ever felt the need to tack on the current-day/memory time travel aspect at all.

Idk, maybe Lapis’ last fusion was really traumatic or something. -.-

You mean those amiibo that are now stuck to retail store shelves due to an overcompensation in production that was a reaction to the initial scarcity?

Unless you’re Bail Organa, who ends up just looking like he hasn’t gotten enough sleep for a week.

While I’m perfectly fine with the CGI route they took, couldn’t they just CGI some boots onto him now?

They’re judging it in a competition for which it was never in the running, allowing them to convince themselves it failed.

That already happens, hence the question.

No need to be salty just because your use of “derivative” is terrible.

If anything, it’s an inversion.

I’ll still give you the star, but “best... ...in the entire franchise” is debatable if you’re looking outside the movies...

This is a dumbass argument because it ignores the very fact that, while the game does not require players to pay anything, it’s entire reason for being is to sell people on making micro transactions.