He sounds like the Autistic Reporter from those Onion News Network Videos
He sounds like the Autistic Reporter from those Onion News Network Videos
we laugh now but wait till we see all our suggested videos after watching this.
Camera left but stage right. That’s what they call ‘the horseshoe theory’ and it’s not total bullshit at all.
Neil is on the left side of the screen, so I'd say Shapiro gets partial credit.
They’re this close!
Coincidentally, the phrase “he felt it move when he tugged” is found in over 90% of Cap Thor slashfic. At the risk of ruining the innuendo with a relevant Joss Whedon reference, the hammer is his penis.
I think you’re giving the show a bit to much credit and it was just a silly “leave it to their imagination” thing. Which is dumb cause we’ve never been given any indication that Villanelle is a torturer (psychological or otherwise) or anything like that. But this show, while immensely entertaining, can be really dumb…
Yes, everything you mention here was pretty ridiculous. I’ll add that there was no reason at all she wouldn’t have just killed Tyrion. Like, none.
I was thinking she could grab Cersei and take them both down at once, but I guess that would nix the big battle episode coming up. Your way is good too.
Knowing that I will be in the minority with this opinion, I will be brave and express it anyway —
I really wish that Missandei had said “Valar Morghulis” and jumped off the battlements just to not give Cersei the satisfaction of having executed her.
No, no. You’re just mistaken.
Varys and Tyrion didn’t know who Jon was. Sansa broke her promise and told Tyrion, who told Varys. There’s little doubt about that.
Classic D&D, having Sansa tell the Hound that if she hadn’t been raped for months she wouldn’t ever have been able to be a skilled politician.
Anyone else surprised it was mentioned we still have Dothraki fighters?
This episode started out well and then took a hard left into cheap twists. SMDH, as the kids say. So Many Disappointments Herein.
Next episode is Drogon wrecking shit, but it’s off screen and Dany just explains whats happening.
I guess they enabled Fast Build along with Fast Travel.
At this point it’s like Euron’s stealth teleporting fleet. You just have to go with it.