“The spec episode doesn’t just focus on Apu, but pulls in other prominent Indian Americans in hilarious ways to highlight the importance of diversity and individuality through the lens of The Simpsons”
“The spec episode doesn’t just focus on Apu, but pulls in other prominent Indian Americans in hilarious ways to highlight the importance of diversity and individuality through the lens of The Simpsons”
just a reminder to everyone commenting: you don’t care what happens on the simpsons and you haven’t watched for 10 years anyway.
I’m really in love with this show. I think the sisters relationship is still a little ‘not there yet’, but this should be solved after a couple of episodes. The one thing I’m not liking, however, is the absence of ‘How Soon is Now?’. But I also remember that time when WB did not renewed the rights to the song and the…
So on my list of demanded tropes to be imported from the original was “At some point, The Book of Shadows must suddenly and automatically open to something the witches are looking for.” And it happened, and I smiled.
And it didn’t care to reinvent or make anything specific to the new characters, it was a copy and paste of the original series.
I really loved the original Charmed, so I tried not to spend the whole show comparing the two. I want to like this - I like the scientist angle a lot, and while it crammed a lot of plot (maybe too much?) and two demons into an hour, it was still fun.
Army of Lovers' Crucified or gtfo
Jeez. OK, moron, I’ll explain it to you. Nose wasn’t indicating that those people would literally stop existing, as in leave our earthly plane. Nose meant that they would be nobodies with no media coverage. Got it now?
No, it’s not.
Kayne, Trump, Kardashians...these entities wouldn’t exist in their current incarnations if we’d stopped paying attention to them yet we’re still out here shouting “Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!” all day, every day.
In America, crazy homeless people yell at you. In former Soviet Union, crazy American celebrities yell at homeless people. What a country!
It’s possible the “Lindsay Lohan” we know now is actually a half-insane Jamie Lee Curtis still trapped in her body.
Hasn’t he already suffered enough? Can’t we start thinking about his comeback? Boys will be boys.
I’m sure Norm is super psyched that he finally got permission from the AV Club to continue to exist.
Yikes what did the letter writer do to you? Were they mean to you when you were a child?
I still remember the time I got bumped into while carrying a tray and I dropped 2 large ice teas directly into a woman’s purse. I’m not talking on her purse, I mean the two full cups fell directly into the mouth of this giant bag and disappeared (which is kinda her fault for, cuz who needs a bag that big anyway?)
That’s clearly someone’s attractive cousin.