Ok, but most importantly are they retaining the same costumer? It was like they only had access to Contempo Casual, Hot Topic and Forever 21 and it was hilarious.
Ok, but most importantly are they retaining the same costumer? It was like they only had access to Contempo Casual, Hot Topic and Forever 21 and it was hilarious.
AV Club pieces the news together mostly from old sugar packets.
He’ll tell us what to do.
it’s the shared universe we didn’t know we needed and will probably find out we didn’t need!
I would NOT want to be Blacula right now.
They said black actress, not Asian.
Can we get Scarlett Johansson for The Slayer?
Right? We all know she’s not really Margaret Thatcher! Who is she trying to fool???
Oh, that Meryl Streep. She’s such a phoney baloney!
...but her emails?