Here’s a reminder for you.
Here’s a reminder for you.
“Please fix racism for us”
Only racists would have a problem with a sign that says ALL LIVES MATTER.
Police officers shouldn’t murder innocent people
I really don’t understand these parents..
This. As a former kid, I think I can state that what my teachers put on the walls didn’t really hold my attention, no matter how cool and that includes the physics teacher and math teachers who put pictures up of things people actually did with what they were teaching. Like rockets, The lunar landing, a land speed…
Maybe that’s the only time these stupid parents are paying attention is when something triggers their white fragility in a building called a school, these fucking trash people needs more schooling if not now.
See also: Hair and dress codes.
“...though the district did ask her to think about how the poster could be less distracting for students.”
“I’m very cautious about where I tread, especially on a sensitive enough subject like that,” said the country’s Minister of Education Karl Samuda, in declining to make a comment on the ruling to the Washington Post.
You’re right, thanks. There’s some obvious lies in that comment that I wanted to call out, given that I did my best to give the context of centuries of Jamaican history within my established word limit—as well as included additional resources for people to find more information from the country it is about.
The first source cited in this article is an ‘actual Jamaican’ one, feel free to click it to find out more. The written decision has not yet been released by the court, and so as an actual Jamaican I can only speak to what I believe its implications are from my own lived experience—that it reflects both anti-Blackness…
She’s not a prism refracting that shit in a new way, she’s just a window.
It cracks me up the level of bend-over backwards hypocrisy the system shows.
Everything Tupac said about his accuser and Mike Tyson said about his let us know that they felt any woman who went out with them or partied with them EVER gave them her blanket consent to do with what they wanted. Both (and there were so many others) were could just incredulous that they had to go to jail for hurting…
They took a position by diminishing his sexual assault conviction as “bad boy behavior.” Where is Tarana Burke when we need her.
The appropriating of Norse [and to a lesser extent, Celtic] imagery by these assholes is a mark of great frustration to a lot of people, since Norse is still an active [albeit small] religion in parts of Europe. Celtic imagery appropriation is a related issue because Irish, and some Scots, groups have relied on that…
The Root isn’t taking a position, they are pointing out that raping people will give you a bad boy reputation. I loved Tupac as a teen, but I also had to speak to some women about their experiences that helped me get what that is like. Reading now what he did and how he justified it?…
As you’d likely guess, it all boils down to his bad boy reputation.
As Tip once said “Record company people are shady.” “Your life, I mean your name on the contract” comes to mind, too.