
I'm curious, Scrawler. Why do you have sympathy for Serena Joy?


You've clearly never seen the cinematic masterpiece that is Andrew Bergman's "So Fine."

They do what they do very well. As have several other bands before them.

That's true. You know, if only there were some way you could skip a song when listening to an album - why, I bet someone could make a fortune if they could crack that code!

I listen to later Joni Mitchell records. And enjoy them thoroughly,


Hey, now. Why should the whole state be blamed? I mean, I don't hold the entire state of Illinois responsible for the food crimes Chicago has foisted upon the world.

Hey, now. Del Scorcho is hands down the finest packet salsa available.

Del Taco, period.

Yeah, he's more like Keanu Reeves' little brother in "River's Edge."

Quentin Tarantino.

Which is to say, an ungodly mess. I'm convinced that the original recipe for deep dish was conceived by a six-year-old with incredibly indulgent parents.

Pizza is pizza. And deep dish is NOT. PIZZA.

While it has some absolutely thrilling moments and is certainly beautiful to look at, I find "The Shining" completely non-terrifying. And much as I love him, Jack Nicholson is really hard to watch in it for me. Particularly in…well, any scene where he shares dialogue with a living human.

Fuzzy Fuzzy
Elbow pads of buckskin
Old Spice man-child
Clings to chalk…

"War of the Worlds" was really good fun, but "Under the Skin" was absolutely breathtaking.

Hey, I don't come to you with MY problems.

pssssst - The company is called Image Engine, not Imagine Engine.

Well…the last while he was alive, sadly.