
People that foster rescue pets are the best people in the world. To adopt a dog/cat knowing you're going to have to give them up eventually has to be hard.

That makes sense.

That doesn't sound right. Even in Canada - the world's power house of curling - the top men's teams aren't full time curlers. Most of them hold other jobs and at most supplement their income with sponsorships and winnings. You might have 3 or 4 of the skips being able to make enough to be considered full time pro's

As a person who's been doing a lot of hiring the past few years I can say I've never considered it, nor have the recruiters that are upstream of me eliminated someone because of it.

Soccer is in yards too.

No, there are three downs.

croup sounds (usually) very distinct, like a deep, robust cough.

worse than the nebulizer is the clear plastic immobilizer they use to hold a kid still for a chest x-ray (pneumonia diagnosis). It's basically an acryllic version of an iron maiden, no spikes of course.

yup, just open the window. The cure for the croup is cold, damp air.

+1 I do like this

Maybe I'm just a nut but I have 4 'space' blankets in the car plus two cheap wool blankets. The last two also double as seat covers if the dog is muddy, roof protection if we've bought some furniture etc.

a lot of people suggest gravol as a sedative- but be sure to test it out first. Some kids get hyper off of it.

they both share the same talent agency - Rent a Wreck

I load up the pot the night before for most items and stuff it in the fridge. Just drop the pot into the appliance part in the morning and press start.

I prefer a simple unit - less the break, less to try and figure out, less price.

I run a GTD system (no plugins, just Outlook) in 2010. I use a combination of Quick Tasks, categories and follow up items.

I've dropped using it now that we're on Outlook where I work. I can do my work to-do's faster within Outlook using a bunch of Quick Steps.

she just called and said she'd be back in an hour, would they put it in their office Tilden?

That Hertz.

I've sneak a peak at the brand and size of your partners clothes when they aren't around. Having to guess the right letter AND number when shopping for intimates is just going to put you in the dog house.