
So is "Iron Man," "Star Wars," "Avengers," etc. You just sound dumb, "Dorian Gray." I wasn't entirely stupid when I was 11, I liked the "good" movies, like Lethal Weapon 2, Predator, Robocop and Die Hard. Those are still remembered as the classics of the genre of 80s action films.

Just didn't watch it. You don't get that many chances to win over most people, even fans. I was obsessed with old "Trek" and TNG as a kid, bailed on DS9, Voyager and Enterprise after a handful of episodes each. Bad characters, bad writing.

That's both interesting/funny. Didn't think of that. Can urchins request a trial by combat?

Guy did murder Joffrey. Turn-on.

The "nothing happens" botulism of character dramas was what GoT's first seasons/books violently upended—whereas the later two books embrace it. It's a serious issue for the showrunners. On the bright side for everyone, there's almost no way the climactic books/seasons couldn't be satisfying after all the meandering.

I think there's disparity between Martin's outlook and the producers. The final two huge books have "nothing happens"-itis, the problem most soap operatic TV shows fall into and the first seasons/books of GoT deftly avoided. Breaking them into 3 or 4 seasons could easily strangle public enthusiasm for the show. There

The betrayal is sheerly Machiavellian on the parts of both Frey and Bolton. Basically when Stannis lost at the Battle of Blackwater, no military force could properly unseat the Lannisters. The northern armies have won every battle, but to no purpose. You take Rob and his small army out of the picture, Tywin can reward
