
I have no idea what is going on here. Please help me. I must know.

I think you’ve perfectly laid it out. I’m too nervous. Part of me thinks it would have been better to either come up with an original concept (with strong female leads) or do the Mad Max thing and have mixed leads.

I’m definitely not one to sign on to reboots, at least not automatically. They’re usually terrible. But really, most movies are terrible. Looking back at the movies of 2015, are even 15% of them good?

I actually thought the 21 Jump Street reboot (first one, not the second one) was damn good. Really funny, completely different tone.

I still prefer the original. They’re trying way too hard to be badass in the Feig version. Some people can pull off badass (Roony Mara, Danai Gurira), but McCarthy, McKinnon, Wiig and Jones... no. They’re cool and funny, but not badass.