How is it possible Land Rover didn’t make this list? Did they break down on the way?
Surprised not to see Nissan make an appearance in the bottom half of the field.
From what I hear, you can thank Jerry Jones for that.
(FYI: I lived there for years.)
Your regular reminder that Arlington, TX, the 50th most populated city in the US, doesn’t have public transportation of any kind.
There should be an Idiocracy remake where Texas is just one giant highway with like a million lanes. The only actual development is a singular Hardee’s where Austin used to be.
Some engineer you are! Clearly they just need a couple more lanes! Endlessly building more lanes to alleviate the endlessly-gridlocked highway is called “job security.”
Give Texas back to Mexico.
26 lanes and it still gets gridlocked every day.
That’s a very reasonable thing to say. The Houston, Dallas-FWT, and San Antonio areas have had zero growth and absolutely no increase in people who walk/bike in those areas. Just them there Austinfornia hippies walking around.
Living in a Southern city I’d love a light rail in my area, it’s been proposed many times but the NIMBY’s kept killing it, have used in other cities and really like it. I'd settle for a robust bus system as what we have is so sparse it is of minimal use. I love cars and driving, I don't like sitting in stop and go…
Pork Barrel at it’s finest.
Construction welfare.
“Even saying the name Harley Davidson makes you think of the American flag.”
“backbone company”... Right. If Harley disappeared nobody would notice, except maybe people who live close to roads would sleep better.
As a fellow lib, there’s nothing that makes me feel more “owned” than a complete stranger destroying his own property in a fit of pique over some bunch of strangers trying to make sure some other bunch of strangers are being treated fairly.
I’m not sure how I’m going to sleep tonight knowing I was owned so much.
As a conservative right winger there are two reasons I wont ride a Harley, the stereotypical Harley owner, and what they did to Buell. And this guy just reinforces point 1
Even saying the name Harley Davidson makes you think of the American flag.