
I viewed him as a sort of kindred spirit—I've never known his level of fame, but I know what it is to try and live a creative life, and have people often misunderstand your intentions. There are folks (usually parents) who think they can graft their morality and expectations on their kids, and it is somehow okay to

Um, ????!!!???%^&#??!!

It is pretty clear from the get go that Zach here is an "Elementary" fan from the get go. How are Johnny Lee Miller and the non-entity Lucy Liu a better cast than Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman? On that point alone this writer proves his bias. Say what you will about "Sherlock's" occasional lapses in

Did I not say in my comment, Watch what you want? Well, I suggest you cease and desist whining at me about my viewing choices, and go watch the preying mantis that is Lucy Liu, or anything else you want—just quit seeking my approval to do so. I do not have time to pray for you to develop a sense of good taste. If

Neither can I, sir. Waste of your good time and energy, you sarcastic nitwit. Watch whatever pleases you; but it is clear the writer of this little piece of one-sided yellow journalism is out to win converts for a show he clearly adores—which makes me question his journalistic bona-fides, to begin with.

Elementary has one indelible blight against it—the casting of the insectile Lucy Liu as Watson. I have hated this overrated actress since her first appearance in , well, anything. Her physical personal causes me a level of psychic pain I cannot put into easy language. But she was a deal breaker in terms of me ever