Goebbels to Charleston with Gloria Swanson and Others.
Goebbels to Charleston with Gloria Swanson and Others.
I know from experience that being the child of a narcissist, even the favorite child of a narcissist, always ends badly. Barron’s lucky that no-one seems to remember he’s there.
My step-grandma loves a good trashy romance novel. When I visited as a teenager I used to borrow them from her, and she advised me to do what she did and “skip the racy parts”. It was just so cute the way she said it I had to indulge her, even though I didn’t believe her for a second.
I hope I never have to meet a single person highlighted in this post. Except the cat, the cat is fine.
This is really misleading writing. I am no Goop fan, but Gwyneth had nothing to do with this practitioner’s irresponsible medical advice. Vaginal steaming’s effectiveness aside, I doubt anyone (even Goop writers) legitimately thinks it’s a cure for prolapse, and certainly don’t recommend people actually SIT in boiling…
A “food expert” would know that looking at pictures of food is not sufficient to judge the taste of said food. Maybe why his restaurant food tastes like nothing, apparently.
I saw a facebook debate today where someone else made the exact same point. His solution? Put the kids in the front seat. Just so you know the sort of company you’re in with that assertion.
Biebs took point position on that one, never fear.
She preyed on someone who was emotionally dependent on her, and she received a just punishment. If she is truly mentally ill, she will be free to seek treatment, change her name, and build a new life after her 15 months in jail. She is a white woman, so these things are possible. If you’d like to focus on people…
I have the same reaction. I think he’s the proto-typical concern troll.
No you’re going to be OK. Don’t be terrified, these stories are just stories and don’t have any bearing on what will happen with you. I listened to all these horror stories when I was pg with my first and it definitely made things worse than they had to be. You will find that you’re much stronger than you think and…
I have a little bit of a different take on this. I don’t think pain is good per se, but the fear of pain seems to drive a lot of decisions that result in bad outcomes. It worked out OK for you, but for others epidurals seem to slow labor and encourage episiotomies. I wish we could get to a place where instead of good…
Leslie Jones is everything. I can’t think of a single thing she’s ever said or done that I haven’t loved. Her refusal to be put in a box makes it easier for everyone else to break out of theirs.
Least surprising news ever. I know someone who is DEEPLY enmeshed in the Tony Robbins subculture— he attributes much of his success (and he is really shockingly successful) to Robbins. He’s a classic cult target—very insecure, looking for authority, wants desperately to belong, also has serious problems with women…
Kelly, your posts are pretty much the only reason I can’t quit Jezebel entirely. Thank you!
The kid who allegedly did it is a kid. The school is an institution made up of adults who are mandated to keep children from doing these things to each other. Tell me exactly why, when a child died, those adults shouldn’t be held responsible? I am so tired of people fetishizing teachers as these unassailable heros.…
No, it just came out today in the magazine. It’s hilarious.
Oh definitely read this. Some of the best lines are about the dining car.
Every single person needs to go read Caity Weaver’s article on Amtrak sleeper trains in the NYT right now. It is the best thing I’ve maybe ever read (definitely best thing I’ve ever read in the NYT). I laughed, I cried, I cry-laughed and laugh-cried.