Seeing as Anna Wintour is used to only styling 5'11" size 00 15-year-olds, this should be interesting.
Seeing as Anna Wintour is used to only styling 5'11" size 00 15-year-olds, this should be interesting.
Mistress of Missed Minutiae might be the greatest nickname I’ve ever had. It’s perfect. You’re perfect.
Now I’m going to have this song stuck in my head all afternoon.
Long planned is interesting...
I am one. About half a pack of cigarettes a year - two chainsmoking sessions and a couple of one-offs. Nicotine appears to have no power over me, I mostly smoke them because I enjoy sitting outside blowing smoke in early autumn or early spring while wrapped in a blanket.
Yes. That’s usually how it happens. I go 2 or 3 years and think surely by now I can have just one and then 6 months later I have to quit again. You would think I would learn that I am not one of those people who can have just one, but no.
I think hanging out with actual anarchists would be fun. I would troll them with Leo Tolstoy quotes.
pls let us know if you need anything during this dark time
When he goes hogwild he has extra almonds. When he goes buckwild he has a cigarette.
Is tom Hanks slowly morphing into a big toe? He kind of looks it in that screengrab.
No, I think part of the reason he hates her so much is that she doesn’t give a shit about appearing to care about being attractive to men. He can’t sexualize her, therefore she has no value. And worse, it’s a woman who doesn’t care if he finds her attractive who will stand up to him.
That goes more for ass men.
Ashley Judd’s breasts probably saw right through Trump.
My 3 month old son was in TEARS yesterday when he realized only women can be president and that Hillary Clinton hates him. I’m 95% sure that’s why he was upset. Of course I drank his tears to regenerate my power.
I’m not blind to color. Orange is my least favorite color and it clashes with my most favorite color which is not being an asswipe.
Whenever I’m not sure about my opinion on something I Google to see what Shailene Woodley’s stance on it is. After finding out, I take the opposite side and am comfortable in assuming I am right. Never fails me.
isn’t it grand that idiots come in all shapes and sizes and races and genders? thanks for sharing.
Somewhere in a forgotten attic in the Hollywood Hills, there is a portrait of her rapidly aging.