Never got these games for the DS, but I'm intrigued.
Never got these games for the DS, but I'm intrigued.
Hmmm... I talked to a guy who has done it before. Perhaps it's not "allowed", but possible to do, or perhaps he got lucky? I'll look into it a little more.
I heard you can move the data to your computer via SD cards, and then put it on the new device when you get it.
I'm in Japan, is it the same for me?
MH3 seemed a bit weird when I played it without the CPP, but I bet I could've gotten used to it.
Are you sure they do? I'm pretty sure they also get it next year.
The white one is just too beautiful.
I was wondering, and thank-you for posting that.
I'm glad there's no second circle pad. That would have been silly.
I'd consider the Wii U high end?
I'd be quite surprised if a Wii version didn't come out in the West.
I'm doing the same.
I'd say the first three Dragon Quests had similarly lifeless characters, and I'd argue they're kind of old schooL?
Quick question:
If they released it with a second circle pad, I could see your anger.
This also reminds me I recently sold Theatrhythm. Great wave of nostalgia, but ultimately if I want to listen to the songs, I want to listen to them and not have to focus on tapping or sliding at the right time.
I listen to the OST of IV, V, VI and VII on regular a regular basis. While they're all good, from VII onwards, there was so many songs that there was quite a few duds mixed in. It's not as bad on VII, but with VIII and IX, I find it impossible to listen to the OSTs from beginning to end. Both have some great songs…
You sound like the exception, but in my opinion people have a game in their mind, skim lists to see if it's there, and if not, get ready for a good complaining. Whether they've played the other games, or what the lists say seems sometimes inconsequential.
People shouldn't complain if their favourite game isn't on a list. They should feel like "individuals".