I am big on gender equality, and actively against sexism in my life...
I am big on gender equality, and actively against sexism in my life...
We have different priorities.
Hmm... this is the first generation I won't be buying more than one console, and the console I'll buy will be a Wii U.
You don't know how much that bugs me.
The basic idea was that I like things to be able to be played forever, as a good and not a service. It's kind of a stupid basic idea, but that's what I was going for. I replied to the other guy how I've been exposed for being silly.
Hey! It's the reason I don't play online games!
While Xenosaga is expensive and hard to find used, the Last Story can be found if you try hard for 1000 yen (10 bucks) and 1500 yen usually. I'm not sure what it says about the quality, but that's something.
I played a demo of it on the 3DS, and I liked the 3D, and the control setup (shocking, I know!).
I think I'd prefer the 3DS version, but what I really want to do is replay the beginning of MGS2 on the go over and over and over and over again. So I'm waiting to have enough for a Vita, and buying this.
Good topic. My ideas on this have been changing.
Am I wrong in assuming regardless of what kind of TV Apple puts forth, it will allow a Wii U to be connected to it?
I've been enjoying my 3DS for a long time while others have waited for the revision.
Since it's been announced however long ago, I've been waiting for a white Vita with the ability to play all the PSone classics. Once it's able to do that (and I honestly don't trust Sony until I see it), then I will gladly spend 30,000 yen (300 bucks?) on Amazon for a Vita and a 32gig memory card. Looks like if my…
I could have read the link, or I could have waited for a kind soul to explain it to me.
Can't you clear swamp in Civ II, and even modify squares to completely change them with an engineer? I remember building arctic paradises.
Well said.
If you like Animal Crossing, it can be found new for under 1000 yen.
I don't, but where I see it, it's at least below 1000 yen. I'm sure Fukuoka is the same.
This game will be my first Pikmin. I don't even know the concept of the game, and I love it that way.