Dan Galindo

“We’re probably only going to make some of the money with this project. We’d much rather make ALL of the money. So instead, we’ll take none of the money; project cancelled.” - An EA exec, probably

Who knew that showing those same 4 ads would pay so much.

Welp. I don’t need to type anything, this literally covered everything for me. Thanks Grandpa.

There’s kind of an off tone here. The premise seems to be that maybe people only liked Borderlands because they were immature and young and now they are old and seasoned and won’t? I guess that works if you assume that the player was X age (maybe your age?) when they first started playing but now they have “been to a

You are absolutely correct.

You know, the Navy has one simple request. And that is to have ships with frigate laser beams attached to their decks.

They’re gonna sell skins and heads again, I fully expect it. Also paid max. level increases, which was dumb the first time they did it.

I would argue that Spurs fans are strikingly similar in arrogance to Pats fans as well.

Uh, I think you might have missed the point of Pop.

I would argue Pop is not even in the same stratosphere of evil

There are no good fanbases. There are only asshole fanbases and fanbases patiently waiting to become assholes.

Pop is a dick to those who deserve it, and practices and preaches empathy otherwise. Belichick is self serving, cutthroat, and supports Trump 

I’m a lifelong Yankees fan, I know we’re pretty obnoxious 

You pointed out (but undersold) the main difference. Popovich cares about his players and, it seems, people in general. His surliness to the NBA brass, officials, and NBA media is, with few exceptions, completely appropriate. I loved the thing he did back in 2012 to send four of his best players home from a road trip

And then when he had another one who Was Ready, he swiftly advanced to the Conference Finals and had a good shot at pushing the Warriors ruined by some untimely (and some might say malicious) injuries.

We saw it: He won 4 championships in 11 years.  Tim Duncan was as Elite as they come and he was coached by Pop his entire career.

The energy in the ATT Center last night was heightened because its Fiesta and people have the day off today. It got extremely loud and rowdy and you could see it crush the Nuggets except Jokic.

I’ve been spoiled for 20+ years. The NBA has been spoiled but they don’t recognize it.

So you are saying they pushed back the release to April 2020?

By my rough estimate, we build it in Houston and fire it at Cleveland.