
There is no reason for this other than to be mean-spirited.

Who’s not surprised at this allegation at all?

Wait you guys are just realizing that James Cameron is a dick?

“But there is nothing more dangerous, especially in this climate, than a funny, likable conservative character.”

I Wanna Marry Harry! Best Worst Terrible Shitshow Show evahhhhhhh!

From that ‘Sightings’ link:

Ha she’s totally

So which Michelle Obama speech did she steal her talking points from?

Gah this poor woman. I hope she gets ALL the Subway money.

So terrifying, so smart... yet so delicious.

In the end though, show creators were dead-set on casting Blake Lively as Serena

the only reason she wants to go is for the sweet, sweet asshole cred

Holy shit I just lol’d so hard at this.

Yeah I’ve been listening to Prisoner on a loop for like 6 straight months. I’ve been a moderate fan of his for awhile, but this album made me a straight-up obsessive and since then I’ve been pouring through his entire back catalog. I think Cold Roses is still my favorite though.

Agreed. I still love the shit out of this movie though.

I believe all of this!

Just when I thought Weiner, and this whole situation really, could not possibly get any grosser!

Not yet but I need to check him out. Adams fans are very big on Jason Isbell. When my ex, who usually listens to metal but knows I’m a big RA fan recommended Isbell to me too, I knew I had to get on that.

WUUUUTTT. I need to find this guy. We need to chitchat.

So full disclosure - I belong to a Ryan Adams fan group on FB (I have to admit I’m obsessed with his music). Hilariously, the other members will NOT LET THIS RELATIONSHIP DIE despite the fact that both Moore and Adams have been seeing other people since. Adams himself was, until recently, in a relationship with some